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Advertise With TASIU


Sunday, December 31, 2017


Online Registration


Event Contact(s)

Brent Walker
281-733-9816 (p)



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

About this event

Get noticed within the Texas SIU community! The Texas Association of Special Investigation Units (TASIU) is the Texas-South chapter of the IASIU ( IASIU international membership is made up of more than 4,000 individuals representing more than 600 insurance and self-insured companies around the world. Our local chapter is part of this larger group from which we network. With few exceptions, there is no current IASIU membership category for most antifraud vendors. However, we encourage our antifraud partners to consider the opportunities we have created for you to get involved with TASIU. Below are several opportunities that your company can take advantage of to get recognized by our members. Your support helps the TASIU carry out our antifraud training and public awareness mission.    


Newsletter Advertising: Our monthly newsletter, The TASIU Observer, is distributed to our members and the Texas SIU community.   

Website Advertising: The TASIU website ( is quickly becoming a valuable online resource for the entire Texas SIU community.


_____   $300    Logo on Rotating Banner (12 issues) 1


_____   $400    Newsletter Rotation (12 issues) 1
                       (Includes 12 Issues / 12 Months of the Texas Antifraud Vendors Directory)                


_____   $125    Newsletter Rotation (3 Issues) 1

_____   $200    Texas Antifraud Vendors Directory (12 Issues / 12 Months) 2

Newsletter rotation begins on a first come-first serve basis with monthly page-by-page rotation from the last page towards page #2. Newsletter rotation advertising is a business card-sized ad that you can provide to us or we can design. Please note, newsletter rotation ads will not appear on the Texas Antifraud Vendors Directory page(s).   

a. Over-sized ads will be allowed if the size of the ad does not cosmetically interfere with newsletter content and will be reviewed by TASIU board for approval. Over-sized ads will be priced according to size, e.g. a double-sized ad (based on a single business-card size) will be charged double price, etc. If interested, please contact us for a quote.  

2. To show our appreciation for your support, we have created a combined opportunity to be listed on both the TASIU website and in our newsletter AT NO ADDITIONAL COST when compared to our previous vendor directory offer. A link to the Vendor Directory will appear on the home page and the directory will be categorized by service types with a link to the vendor’s home page or email. In addition, a Texas Antifraud Vendors Directory page (or pages) will be included in the TASIU newsletter so that readers can print or save the directory for their convenience. This newsletter vendors directory will also be categorized by service types and contain the vendor's name, web page or email and telephone number.

a. The Texas Antifraud Vendors Directory is included in the 12-issue Newsletter Rotation.  

The above rates and offers apply to the time periods listed. The TASIU reserves the right to change rates and conditions for new advertising periods. 

Other opportunities to get involved with TASIU: In addition to the above advertising options, TASIU offers the following ways that you can get involved with our chapter and get noticed by our members: 

Monthly Speakers:
We are always looking for speakers to present at our monthly meetings, especially TDI CE approved courses. Interested speakers can please contact our Training chairperson,

Vendor Breakfast: On occasion and with prior approval, a vendor may provide a light breakfast (pastries, fruit, etc.) at the beginning of our chapter meetings. They will be recognized for doing so and will have an opportunity to speak briefly to the group about the services they offer. This must be coordinated and approved in advance. 

Newsletter Articles: We also have opportunities for our antifraud partners to submit articles for our monthly newsletter, The TASIU Observer. This is a great way to get noticed while providing our members with useful information on investigative and antifraud topics. If you’d like to submit an informational article for newsletter, please contact

Antifraud Supporter: Help TASIU with our insurance fraud public outreach efforts. Past projects included a REPORT INSURANCE FRAUD billboard and dontation of a REPORT ARSON & INSURANCE FRAUD crime prevention trailer. Help us keep this momentum going. Interested supporters can learn more at Become a TASIU Antifraud Supporter.


Seminar: Every other (odd-numbered) year, the TASIU hosts it Gulf Coast Insurance Fraud Seminar and we are always looking for speakers, sponsors and vendors to take advantage of our booth spaces during the vendor exposition.   


Thank you!





Register online here or mail payment and make checks payable to…



P.O. Box 2132

Cypress, TX 77410


The TASIU reserves the right to deny advertisement from any individual, corporation, firm, proprietorship, partnership, business, entity, or association whose objectives goals, and/or operations are inconsistent and/or adverse to the purpose, objectives, and interests of TASIU.


Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Newsletter Rotation (12 Issues)
Newsletter Rotation (3 Issues)
Website Rotating Banner (12 Months)
Website Vendor Directory (12 Months)